Why Swatantra Veer Savarkar (2024) is a Must-Watch?
Let a 1000 alternate histories bloom 🌻
As we prepared to watch the movie, my wife, representing the Liberal side of our family’s political spectrum, remarked, “This is BJP’s propaganda just before the 2024 elections!”
In response, our 18-year-old son, representing the Right wing, confidently countered, “Why not explore an alternate versions of Indian history in a free India?”
Growing up in the 1980s, we revered Nehru on Children’s Day, celebrating his supposed love for children. However, with the accessibility of information through platforms like Google, I discovered conflicting views. Nehru’s attitude towards children, as depicted in Michael Brecher’s “Nehru: A Political Biography,” appeared less affectionate and more tolerant, perhaps a strategic move akin to Modi’s “Priksha pe Charcha” series to engage the youth at a young age so as to reap political favours when they turn 18.
In one of the captivating talk by Mr. Sanjeev Sanyal available on YouTube — he advocates for embracing diverse historical narratives beyond school textbooks.
And if all history is propaganda, let a thousand narratives bloom.
In this spirit, let me share few points that caught my attention while watching the movie:
- Savarkar advocated for altering viewpoints (changing the perspectives) He renamed the Mutiny of 1857 to the Revolution of 1857. He also defined Hindutva to encompass all the citizens of Akhand Bharat — from the Sindhu (Indus) River to the Indian Ocean.
In an interesting scene — he reconverts Hindu prisoners (who have been converted to Islam by the jailor at Kala Pani), by placing a Tulsi leaf on their tongue while chanting Gayatri Mantra. As a pragmatist, Savarkar exhorts a prisoner to not define his religion by what he eats.
He questions the British officers about their response if Britain were to be occupied by the Germans, inquiring whether they would not resist and rebel against the invading forces.
- While the modern man, like me, relaxes on sofa, indulging in pizzas and watching IPL, 100 years back — individuals like Savarkar were actively mobilizing the nation through journalism and enduring inhuman physical tortures like flogging, beating with canes, hanging upside down , etc. imprisoned in the Cellular Jail.
- The extent to which a just cause empowers individuals to endure suffering is evident in witnessing Savarkar’s agonizing physical and mental tribulations in the movie, alongside the execution of young revolutionaries by the British empire, all in service of their homeland. (In a way — that’s what Simon Sinek advises in his book — Start with Why — understanding the importance of purpose and intention behind your actions will lead you to success).
- The leaders at the fore front of Indian Independence were highly educated individuals who often pursued their education abroad, frequently on scholarships. Figures such as Ambedkar, Gandhi, Savarkar, Bose, Nehru, etc acquired higher education that enabled them to engage with the British on equal terms and guide the Indian polity. They were well read and could communicate powerfully.
- Expanding on the previous point, all these leaders extensively penned their thoughts. Their writings, comprising books, articles, and speeches, effectively disseminated their ideas among the Indian populace.
My personal preference lies with Ambedkar, who, through the sheer force of his intellect, single-handedly uplifted the lower castes from the depths of indignity. Utilizing education as his tool, he eloquently articulated the suffering and humiliation endured by a significant portion of the Indian populace. His story is particularly inspiring to me.
- How can careers diverge so drastically within a decade? While Savarkar languishes in Port Blair prison, Gandhi rises to a rockstar status, leaving Savarkar diminished to insignificance. In a poignant moment, when Rockstar Gandhi visits Savarkar, the former is impoverished — as the British have stripped him of all means of sustenance.
- While Nehru was writing tomes in prison, Savarkar had to wait for 9 years before he met his brother while they were lodged in the same prison. They had to covertly communicate by passing bits of paper through the clandestine network of prisoners’ underground channels.
- In the same scene — listening to the conversation about Gandhi and Savarkar, it becomes evident that Savarkar’s uncompromising stance could alienate a portion of the population. And Gandhi holds an advantage as a mass leader capable of rallying a significant portion of the population to his cause.
- I’ve heard Congress party members criticize Savarkar, claiming he was weak for seeking forgiveness and submitting mercy petitions to the British. However, I don’t find this argument very convincing.
Savarkar, being astute, dismisses the notion of revolutionaries idling away in jail as foolish. In one instance, he advises a young revolutionary imprisoned in Port Blair to abandon his hunger strike and instead channel his energy into combating British rule. He counsels Bose against idealizing imprisonment and instead suggests meeting Rash Bihari Bose to seek foreign support.
Therefore, writing mercy petitions is not a moral or ethical dilemma for the wily Savarkar, as he prioritizes the greater goal of avoiding wasteful imprisonment and focusing on building India’s present and future.
- As India emerged in its infancy, it faced vulnerability from all directions. There were schemes to reinstate India as a Islamic sultanate, British laid the groundwork for future conflicts by dividing India, Russian / Japanese forces were planning to subjugate India, etc. During this period, the nation was particularly fragile.
A similar fragility emerged again in 1991 when India teetered on the edge of financial ruin, akin to Pakistan’s current situation. It was the capable leadership of Congress Prime Minister Narasimha Rao that steered the country away from disaster and safeguarded its future.
- Another aspect to consider is how to ensure the survival of one’s legacy. Savarkar achieved this through his literary works and his followers. Nehru ensured the endurance of his legacy by grooming his daughter in politics and orchestrating her name change to Gandhi, thus securing all the future benefits associated with the Gandhi brand to his progeny. Like the Great Mughals — the Gandhi Family passed on India from one generation to the next.
- Leaders such as Gandhi , Savarkar , Bose may hold differing perspectives, but their dedication to serving the motherland is beyond doubt.
As a history enthusiast, it’s essential not to favor one narrative over another. I’d be living in La La Land if I believed that freedom was attained solely through non violence and participating in prabhat pheris.
- How can sustained propaganda reduce Rahul Gandhi to “Pappu” and Savarkar to “The One Who Wrote Mercy petitions”. This is an important lesson in the art of politics.
- I also admired Randeep Hooda’s work as a director. Moving from his notable performance in the film “Highway” to this project, Hooda has certainly made notable strides in his career. His journey since starting in 2001 has been remarkable. It’s evident that the movie has been produced with a modest budget as all said and done this movie would do a limited business — so an intelligent call by Hooda.
On our journey home, sonny boy and I came to the realization that while I grew up in an era where the government disseminated its agenda through television and newspapers, today’s youth have access to a more diverse range of information, particularly through platforms like YouTube.
Essentially, there are two types of histories being disseminated to the youth : one found in textbooks, often influenced by the state, aimed at aiding academic performance, while the other is shared by YouTubers like Abhijit Chavda. This underscores the importance for politicians to recognize and adapt to the changing informational landscape when engaging with today’s youth.
Like Instagram brought in the democratisation of Camera — YouTube has brought in the democratisation of propaganda.
As we reflect on the legacies of these leaders and their enduring impact, let’s continue engaging with history with curiosity, empathy, and a commitment to truth. Let’s embrace alternative viewpoints and acknowledging the complexities of our shared heritage and not let a few rockstars and their groupies hijack the narrative.