Why do we Lose Sense of Time when we’re Dreaming ?

This suggests that our understanding of Time is closely linked to the activity of the mind.

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While scrolling through my YouTube feed, saw this intriguing video where the above mentioned question was asked. I found the question fascinating as I have never realised that Time stands still in our dreams.

Mr. Rupert Spira, the teacher, responded to this question with remarkable eloquence., ”… If the mind plays a role in creating the illusion of time, then in sleep, when the mind is inactive, the experience of time disappears as well..”.

I share the notes from the video below.

1. Temporal Illusion in Sleep:
— The idea is that our sense of time may be a construct of the mind, and when the mind is inactive during sleep, the experience of time also disappears.

2. Past and Future as Mental Constructs:
— The common perception of the past and future as vast timelines may be illusions created by our minds.
— The notion that we can “visit” the past or future becomes questionable when we realize any effort to do so happens in the present moment.

3. Reality of the Eternal Now:
— Examining our own experiences reveals that we only ever live in the present moment.
— The suggestion is that the past and future might not exist as we traditionally understand them; the only tangible reality is the perpetual now.

4. Mind as a Filter:
— Our minds act as filters, tinting our perception with the colours of time and space.
— These mental limitations create the illusion of a three-dimensional, four-dimensional world governed by time and space.

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5. Beauty as a Glimpse into Reality:
— The world, as conventionally perceived, is seen as a manifestation of the mind’s limitations.
— Without these mental constraints, what remains is an eternal, infinite awareness, often described as the face of God.

6. Temporal Constraints in Perception:
— In this perspective, the world’s appearance doesn’t transform; instead, our experience of that appearance shifts.
Love and beauty are considered windows through which we catch glimpses of a reality unfiltered by the constraints of time and space.

7. Example of Sleep and Consciousness:
— Consider a night’s sleep as a practical example — when the mind is not active, our sense of time seems to vanish.
— This aligns with the idea that time is a construct of the mind, and without its influence, time loses its apparent existence.

8. Comparison with Coloured Glasses:
— Analogously, our minds are likened to coloured glasses, tinting our perception of reality.
— Removing these mental constraints reveals an unfiltered experience of an eternal, infinite beauty — a reality often obscured by the limitations of time and space.

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You can check the video here



Navneet S Maini | @isequalto_klasses 🔭👀
Navneet S Maini | @isequalto_klasses 🔭👀

Written by Navneet S Maini | @isequalto_klasses 🔭👀

🏃Chasing Maths, Science for💲Arts, Stocks, Travelling for ❤️ °🚶🏽‍♂️Here to jam about whatever I learn on the way

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