Tesseracty 2020
“So what have you learnt in 2020?
I ask Sonny, as he switches channels on TV
“2020 was Interstellar tesseract scene, poppy”
chimes Sonny
“Tesseract scene?
You mean where McConaughey is throwing books on screen?
In the bedroom library?”
I query
“Yes, dear poppy
Corona is books Nature is throwing
To tell her child what she’s doing
Achtung Baby
Your future is dicey!
This planet is barbecuing
We need to be slowing
Be mindful of our insatiable consumption
And show gumption
Be thankful for what we have
Be thankful for freedom
Corona is actually a beacon
Be mindful of simple pleasures
going to malls, restaurants,hairdressers
Be mindful of the invisible folks around us
Sweepers, neighborhood shopkeepers
When our friends / relatives were not anywhere
These people were angels everywhere
Be awed by the power of Nature
Or we are endanger.”
And what did you learn, dear poppy”, asks Sonny
“I learnt that my little Sonny
is now wiser than his old poppy”.