Stay In The Game
How to avoid FOMO?
I like listening to Mr. Shankar Sharma — as he always has a very commonsensical approach to capital markets rather than a technical one.
During this interview (link below-from 8:30 to 11:30) he talks about how to beat FOMO ( fear of missing out) — in life or share market.
Great batsmen don’t fret about missing a loose ball and not hitting a sixer. They know that in a match, if they stay on the pitch long enough, they will get plenty of loose balls to hit big shots. There’s always another ball coming.
Average batsmen remain fixated on what they miss rather than what lies ahead and get depressed.
Good ones remain optimistic.
By not giving up — you are always ready to meet fresh opportunities that life will throw at you .
“FOMO is the worst trait”,Mr.Sharma advises. This is true for cricket as well as share markets. Or whatever you are pursuing now.
Stay in the game — don’t give up!
Interview Link: