How to write(& sell) a book: A quick recipe
The key is to leverage+magnify your efforts across platforms.
It won’t take me long in honoring the promise made above. Just a few lines.
If you are reading this on Medium — you are literate enough to be among the 7% of humanity. The inputs I share below will help you if you are a student, teacher, author, song writer, marketing/IT professional, pilot, deep sea diver,…or a Martian.
And here it is:
Modify a quote into a tweet <Big Idea>. Share the tweet on Instagram. Garnish it with your life experiences, let it take the shape of an article and then publish it on Medium or LinkedIn. Explain it in detail on a podcast or a YouTube video. Share the presentation you made for the YouTube video on SlideShare. Now convert this presentation into a pdf & upload it on Scribd.
If you want, add PinInterest/Webinar/Quora/Facebook/Udemy course into the salad. But can you handle so many media single-handedly?
Throughout this process -
- new ideas would keep bubbling up - like they do in your beer mug. Let the best ideas follow the route explained above. Ex. As you answer a question on Quora, you realise that what you had assumed to be a few lines answer can well be explained in a full fledged article. The party balloon actually is a hot air balloon — with an F16 inside!
- you will receive real time free feedback on social media. Ex. number of likes on a certain Instagram quote or likes/comments on aYouTube video. This will give you a “ feel” of the market i.e. what ideas are resonating with the audience. Without any help from Neil Patel !
Now repeat this 50 times. Mmmm…maybe 75 . Select 15 pieces from the litter — add Introduction / Table of Contents (each piece is a chapter) / Index / Appendix (if required) and you have a Book.
Or if you are a lazy bug, like me, atleast a Kindle.
Bonus Tip: SEO is built into this process, as over time, you would have organically built an internet footprint. The first promotion is focussed on your social media followers. Ex. hold a webinar (paid/unpaid) about writing skills & your book promotion is a natural consequence. When people google you — your paws are all over the internet jungle.
Bonus/Bonus Tip: Be authentic — to yourself and your work. Hire somebody for editing if you realize that your content is good but language is awful.
DO NOT DO COPY/PASTE. Steal like an artist.
And yep! that’s it.
PS: So what’s the catch here?
Well the fly in the ointment is that a very few percentage of us are consistent/motivated/focused/bold to follow the above :-))