God Delusion 🤔
हम को मालूम है जन्नत की हक़ीक़त लेकिन…
Perhaps there isn’t a divine entity. Let’s entertain the notion that everything is a result of Evolution, Chance, and Randomness.
Yet, in moments of anxiety that make me run helter skelter,akin to a dog on a Diwali night, it’s the belief in something Greater that provides stability.
Dawkins is not there when the monsters under my bed keep me awake. But the concept of God acts as a constant force, offering steadiness throughout my journey from childhood to old age.
The idea of God, portrayed as eternally youthful, all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good, leads me across this narrow bridge between life and death.
Otherwise, I am flotsam jetsam in the ocean of nihilism. What hope does Mr.Dawkins provide me in the infinite darkness.
And the godless communists just replaced the belief in God by belief in Politburo.
Maybe a thousand years later, if humanity survives (seems improbable at the current rate of our collective stupidity) , we would have AI as God, the ultimate provider.
In a world perceived as Maya, a mere illusion, let another illusion accompany me on this bridge to the beyond, echoing the sentiments of Ghalib.
हम को मालूम है जन्नत की हक़ीक़त लेकिन
दिल के ख़ुश रखने को 'ग़ालिब'
ये ख़याल अच्छा है
Trans: I know the reality of Paradise, Ghalib, but I’m happy with whatever I have.