36 qualities of a King
As told by Bhishma to Yudhishthira(Bhishma Parva, Mahabharata )
These instructions emphasize important qualities and principles for anyone in a position of authority, be it as a manager, parent, coach, or team captain. Adhering to these guidelines can help promote fairness, wisdom, and responsible leadership in daily interactions and decision-making.
*Embrace Dharma with joy
*Maintain friendships and affection.
*Be a believer in the Supreme, honoring the Vedas.
*Acquire wealth without resorting to violence.
*Enjoy comforts without becoming indulgent or intoxicated.
*Speak kind words without a tone of submission.
*Exhibit courage without boasting.
*Practice charity, ensuring it reaches deserving recipients.
*Possess competence without using harsh words.
*Foster reconciliation and peace, avoiding negotiations with the unworthy.
*Demonstrate the ability to gain from adversaries.
*Appoint trusted individuals as spies.
*Work in a manner that avoids causing harm.
*Keep information away from the wicked.
“Acknowledge merit and quality in others, refraining from self-praise.
*Attain wealth without taking from sages and saints.
*Withhold respect from those lacking virtue.
*Conduct thorough investigations before imposing punishment.
*Hold secret meetings with councillors; ministers' meetings should not be public.
*Show no leniency towards the avaricious.
*Be cautious of those who have previously harmed you.
*Protect individuals from envy within the harem.
*Remain impartial and pure.
*Do not excessively engage with women.
*Eat well-balanced, nourishing meals.
*Express sincere respect to those worthy of reverence.
*Worship the Supreme without pretense or ostentation.
*Seek wealth that is morally sound.
*Experience solitude.
*Demonstrate competence at the right time.
*Speak sincerely, avoiding insincere pleasantries.
*Offer help without expecting anything in return.
*Make decisions about war after thorough consultation and investigation.
*Maintain composure after vanquishing an enemy.
*Control temper, reserving it for significant reasons.
*Be gentle and respectful, except towards those who cause harm.
Hope you find these useful.