2 Lesser-known facts about Einstein, I bet you didn’t know
Plus a few known ones
Einstein Refrigerator : Einstein invented a refrigerator that operated without electricity. It used ammonia, butyl acetate, and water to create a cooling effect. Although it was patented, it never became commercially successful.
Einstein and the FBI : Einstein’s political activities led the FBI to keep a file on him for over 20 years. They considered him a potential security risk, particularly during the Red Scare of the 1950s.
Few Known Ones
1.Early Speech Difficulty : Einstein did not speak fluently until he was around nine years old. His parents even consulted a doctor about it.
2.Influence of a Compass : One of his earliest influences towards science was when his father gave him a compass at the age of five. He was fascinated by the invisible forces that made the needle move.
3.Patent Office Job : Before becoming a renowned physicist, Einstein worked at the Swiss Patent Office as a technical assistant, where he evaluated patent applications for electromagnetic devices.
4.The Miracle Year : In 1905, often referred to as his “annus mirabilis” or miracle year, Einstein published four ground-breaking papers in the field of theoretical physics, including his theory of special relativity and his famous equation, E=mc².
5.Nobel Prize : Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect, not for his theory of relativity as many people assume.
6.Zionism : Einstein was a supporter of Zionism and was offered the presidency of Israel, which he declined.
7.Music Lover : He was an accomplished violinist and had a deep appreciation for music, particularly the works of Mozart and Bach.
8.Einstein’s Brain : After his death in 1955, Einstein’s brain was removed for study without the permission of his family. It was later returned to them, and research on his brain has provided insights into his unique cognitive abilities.
9.Rejected From University : Einstein initially failed the entrance exam to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) but later passed and went on to excel in his studies there.
10.Philosophical Views : Einstein was deeply interested in philosophy, and his philosophical views influenced his approach to physics. He was particularly influenced by the works of Baruch Spinoza.
11.Collaborative Work : Despite his reputation as a solitary genius, Einstein often collaborated with other scientists on his research, including his work on the theory of general relativity.
Hope you learnt something new here🌸